Work and Travel

Work and Travel

Experience the U.S. with Our Work and Travel Program. Unlock a summer of adventure and work experience in the U.S. We are convinced that Fletcher Lynd is your best choice for WORK AND TRAVEL, because you can trust our 31 years of experience and proven job offers for the WORK AND TRAVEL 2025 program.

Fletcher Lynd Work and Travel

Since 1993, Fletcher Lynd has been a leading provider of Work and Travel programs for Bulgarian students. Over the past 31 years, we’ve successfully sent over 14,912 students to the U.S., where they’ve worked for more than 21 million hours and explored the country extensively. Our long-standing partnership with InterExchange ensures you receive the highest quality placements and support. 

Best Work & Travel Programs

Based on the opinion of thousands of students, Fletcher Lynd offers the best Work and travel programs in Bulgaria!

30 Years on the Market in Bulgaria

During the 31 years we have been in business, we have sent over 14,912 students to the US, with over 3 million days working in the states.

Discover the unique benefits of our Work and Travel program.

Our Work and Travel program offers Bulgarian students the chance to work in the U.S. for up to 4 months during summer vacation while immersing themselves in American culture. We provide a structured program designed for cultural exchange. You’ll work in diverse environments such as hotels, amusement parks, and restaurants, gaining valuable experience and creating lifelong memories. Our program includes assistance with obtaining your DS-2019 form for the J-1 Visa.

Work and Travel with Fletcher Lynd

Our program features attractive job placements in top American resorts, including hotels, motels, restaurants, fast food outlets, amusement parks, and more. Average hourly wages range from $12 to $21, with typical work hours of 35-40 hours per week. Housing is provided at affordable monthly rates, averaging between $100 and $250 per week. You also have the opportunity to seek additional employment upon arrival.

Applying is straightforward with Fletcher Lynd. Complete the Online Application Form, where you can select from a wide range of job offers tailored for Bulgarian students. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by potential employers directly through our partner’s online system. Our US Sponsor has a special system for placement with employers, which allows you to apply for an unlimited number of positions, regions, and employers that you have chosen. No need to attend job fairs—your selected job offer will be sent to you via email.

Eligibility Requirements for Work and Travel 2025

To participate in our program, you must meet the following criteria:

Full-Time Student

Enrolled in a full-time educational program, whether in Bulgaria or abroad.

Age Range

Must be between 18 and 28 years old to participate in the program.

English Proficiency

Capable of communicating effectively in English in a working environment.


Willing and able to spend your summer working and living in the U.S

Apply Now for Work and Travel 2025

Ready to go to the U.S and make some unforgettable memories? Apply below and we will reach out to you!