Stop & Shop

Едгартаун, Масачузетс

Информация за Работната Оферта

Работни Позиции

The Grocery Clerk assists with unloading the grocery truck, parceling out the groceries to the shelves, leveling the grocery shelves and checking for date rotation putting later expiration dates in the back and closer expiration dates in the front of shelves. You may have to perform these duties for both regular as well as frozen/dairy groceries. Cashiers display a professional, pleasant attitude to all customers. Scan customers selected items for purchase, provide purchase transactions, and ensure proper handling of American currency, debit and credit card purchases. This position requires excellent skills in English. This position will provide the opportunity to work directly with the public and gain skills in American customer service. Students may be expected to work in other areas of the store as directed by management.

Информация за Работата


Какво да правиш в Масачузетс

We are located right in the heart of Edgartown, Massachusetts, which is on Martha’s Vineyard — a resort destination. The store is less than a mile from the water. Beaches are right down the street or within walking or biking distance. All summer activities are available to employees. Employees can walk to stores or take the bus. There is no need for car transportation. Cabs are available and are close by.

Допълнителна Информация

Ако избереш тази оферта пътуваш до летището, което е най-близко до твоя работодател. InterExchange ще ти предостави подробна инструкция за това как да се придвижиш до работодателя си, а също така и инструкция  какво трябва да направиш, за да получиш  Social Security Number.

InterExchange ще ти предостави и online ориентация, от която ще се запознаеш с правилата на програмата и със своите права по време на участието ти в нея.

Кандидатствай Сега